Christian Outreach Report 2017

March – Warming Shelter at Salvation Army
Congregation members volunteered to make and deliver dinners and side dishes to the Warming Shelter on March 5, 12 and 19, coordinated by CO. Congregants volunteered to make the meals and a routine for this project has developed.

April -“Show Them We Care” care packages for college students in the Pilgrim congregation
Like last year, CO coordinated sending a care package to each college student in the congregation. The package consisted of two $5 gift cards, delivered during study time /finals week.

May -Church World Service Blanket Sunday
The congregation donated $1060.00 for this project and Pilgrim sent it to Church World Service Disaster Relief.

Little Free Library
Our Little Free Library turned three year old this summer and seems to get good use. Kids’ chapter books, adult popular and literary fiction seems to do especially well in the library.

Clean Up Kits & Hygiene Kits for Hurricane Relief
Outreach collected money and kits to help Church World Service with the hurricane recovery efforts.

Angel Tree Collection & the Alternative Gift Fair

Other Activities
Solar Panel Taskforce
Barb Roder has been leading the Solar Panel Taskforce. They have been helping us decrease our electrical usage by switching from florescent to LED bulbs in the high use areas. We received a grant of $5000 to go toward our array of solar panels. Hopefully we will be able to install solar panels in 2018.