Worship Ministry

Worship Ministry Report 2017

Members of the ministry include: Mary Christensen (secretary), Donna Jost, Pete Vercouteren, Jim Bentley, and Linda Stutz (chair and council Rep).
Thank you to these members for their work throughout the year.


The worship ministry completed its usual tasks of the year; securing volunteers for ushering, worship leadership and acolytes. Thank you to all the members who have helped enhance worship in these various roles. Also appreciation is extended to those who assist with preparation and clean-up of our communion service. Those behind the scenes tasks are so important and often go unnoticed, so thank you all.

The worship ministry offered support to the visual environment committee securing palms, lilies, and poinsettias for the holiday services. Thank you to Barb Tadych and Patti Burns for their leadership by enhancing the beauty of our sanctuary. Also thank you to Mary Christensen for readying our altar and pulpits with the appropriate parament clothes.

The worship ministry made an effort to try and hold coffee hour/fellowship every Sunday in the months September through May. We have had lengthy discussions, asked for member feedback and tried to gather ideas for how this could work better in regards to our change in worship time. After all is said and done we are going to have coffee hour the first Sunday of each month (for sure September – May) as this is communion Sunday and we have worked with Adult Education to make this a collaborative effort. The coffee hour and fellowship will be the Adult Education for those Sundays so we can connect, share what will be coming up in Adult Ed in the following weeks and hope to encour-age many members to stay and enjoy time together. If you have any further thoughts about the coffee hour please feel free to discuss with any worship or adult education members.

We held our mini worship retreat in May. Members of the congregation gathered together to explore what is meaning-ful during worship and ways we can enhance our worship experience. A big thank you to Pastor Ted for his leadership with this event. We will be planning another retreat spring of 2018 and all are welcome to join. Watch the quill for details.

Thank you is extended to our church organist Cal Moely, members of our choir and bell choir, accompanist Myra Strebe, and our choir director Zach Ball. All of you bring your wonderful musical talents to share with us as a congrega-tion. Your gifts enrich our worship experience and we truly appreciate all your time and dedication. Also, thank you to Andrew Christensen for his willingness to play our organ during Cal’s illness. Thank you for those who accompany and lead our children’s choir as well. We all enjoy having the children’s voices raised up during our worship service.

Respectfully submitted,
Linda Stutz