Pilgrim Welcomes Pastor Jeannie Douglas as our Interim minister.
As the Intentional Interim Minister here at Pilgrim United Church of Christ, I would like to introduce myself: I originated from California and came to the Midwest for seminary at United Theological Seminary. I grew up in the Christian tradition but always felt like I didn’t belong. At one point I was told I didn’t belong and was disowned by the church of which I was a member. Eventually, I found the United Church of Christ, and was able to find myself. I began again to believe I am a child of God, and have been accepted by the UCC, with open arms. I have served many United Church of Christ churches as an Interim here in Wisconsin, OUT and PROUD.
You will find I will welcome you with open arms, introduce you to my partner, and never judge you. I have had a hard journey, but I know I am home, and my wish for you is that you are able to find a church home where you fit. I hope that fit could be Pilgrim United Church of Christ, for we are here to embrace you, your story, and your journey.
We understand faith to be a journey rather than a destination, a relationship rather than an obligation. Our own experiences have taught us that following Jesus is not an easy thing, but it is far easier when we attempt it as part of a community rather than all on our own.
At Pilgrim United Church of Christ, I pray that you find warmth, encouragement and spiritual growth. If there is anything we can do to help you in your journey with God, please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to getting to know you personally in the weeks and months ahead.
May God bless you and your family.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Rev. Jeannie Douglas
Interim Minister
Pilgrim United Church of Christ
Fond du Lac, WI