Pilgrim United Church is an open and affirming congregation of the United Church of Christ.
Our mission statement: Pilgrim United Church of Christ, a progressive Christian church,
pursues growth in faith, social justice, and respect for all voices
– with Jesus as our model for how to live and love.
No matter who you are or where you are on your life’s journey, you are welcome here!
Worship Musician
will be a skilled organist and pianist.
will be experienced in hymn-playing and accompaniment of congregational singing.
will be mindful of appropriate music for the “seasons” of the church year
may be asked to audition: prelude, postlude, offertory and accompany hymn-singing
will choose the prelude, the postlude and the offertory music for each service of Worship
and will accompany hymn-singing. Worship services are on Sundays at 9am;
Wednesdays during Lent; Maundy Thursday, Christmas Eve and other special services.
will email or drop off the titles of pieces and composer’s names by Tuesday for preparation
of the following week’s Worship bulletins and Easy Worship “screens.”
may be asked to play for weddings and funerals
will arrive a half hour prior to services. All services are live-streamed and in person.
will contact Music Solutions Wisconsin LLC (Mark Snyder) for organ repair,
after collaboration with Pastor or Worship ministry.
920-674-0600 office@musicsolutionswi.com
Our piano tuner, Mark Schubert, has been scheduled to tune the grand piano
every 6 months. last tuning: March 5, 2022
Musical Instruments:
Rodgers PR-300S organ with MIDI capabilities
- Kawai baby grand piano.
will have one paid Sunday off per quarter and two additional paid Sundays off
to be scheduled whenever preferred. The Worship Musician will arrange for a substitute
from our list of available musicians.
will be supervised by the Pastor in conjunction with the Church Council Vice-President.
Salary: $10,000 per year. Contact: Patti Burns, pattiburns64@gmail.com