Membership & Evangelism Ministry

Membership and Evangelism Ministry Role

Membership and Evangelism Mission statement:  Working within the framework of Pilgrim United Church of Christ’s Mission, we strive to build our membership, to welcome all who enter here, to provide for comfort and support and to give a voice to everyone.

Function/Goals of Membership & Evangelism:

  •         We advance the mission of Pilgrim UCC by informing the public in the most efficient ways possible. This may include newspaper ads, FaceBook ads and community events.
  •         We arrange for rides to members and anyone wishing to attend church, but who have  transportation limitations.
  •         We monitor the membership rolls and strive to keep them up to date.
  •         We maintain an up-to date spreadsheet to monitor our membership.
  •         We maintain the welcome center and provide for welcomers to greet people coming in for church services.
  •         We organize a welcome pot luck for newcomers to acquaint them with the church groups and functions.
  •         We strive to make everyone feel welcome, comfortable, unjudged and supported.
  • We further strive to keep members connected and familiar with their church family.